Thursday, January 21, 2010


In following suit of fellow I Heart Faces blogger (Thoughts From the Treadmill), I'm going to have a "Thankful Thursday."

This Thursday I am thankful for my staff at work. Tomorrow I have an early morning for work with a 2 hour drive (one way). Following that, I'm headed to Iowa. I haven't been to Iowa for months! Anyway, I know they are capable of anything and everything and they were gracious enough to let me leave group early tonight so I could come home and pack. Thanks Team! I'm thankful for you and all the hard work you do for the families in Jackson County!


  1. Awe and you gave me credit! This is a first for me! Yay!! The Lord is honored when we are thankful and give Him glory.

  2. Reminds me of when I zapped our first digital answering machine with static electricity! I went to touch the answering machine and an arch of static electricity flew from my finger to the machine and it said "Thursday! Thursday! Thursday!!" Ever since then, next to FRIDAY, Thursday has been my favorite day of the week! Great photo!
