Monday, January 25, 2010


Today's picture is a celebration! Tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of Raymond's seziure. We are thrilled to be where we are today. He is taking this cookie cake to work with him tonight to celebrate with his co-workers. At one point we weren't sure he was going to be able to continue his career but one year later, he is still there! As you can see, it is made from scratch-excuse the messy decorating! :)


  1. That's awesome! I love that you took time out to celebrate it!

  2. Yummy photo! :) Give Raymond a great big hug for us because we are so very, very glad that he is still so very much a part of our lives!!

  3. I love it There-sa. Too bad you couldn't send leftovers. (like there would actually be any) :-)
