Sunday, February 28, 2010

Strap yourself in-this year is going faasssssssssst.

Does everyone realize that tomorrow is March? WOW! Last year we couldn't hit the fast forward button enough on the year-this year it is flying by. I am NOT complaining by any means-March is closer to April which is closer to May. May means Spring. I love Spring!

Another resolution....down the tubes!

Yes siree-I'm leaving my resoultion behind. Between computer issues, memory cad issues, and running out of things in my house to take pictures of, I've decided to forgo a picture a day. I don't want my hobby to become work and that is how it has felt lately. I'm still going to post things on my blog but more than just pictures. Hope you'll continue to follow :)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Charlie and his Daddy!


Dawn and Keith

Thursday, February 18, 2010


I'm back up and running! I know I am behind a few pictures but here are some from the past week:

An old truck in a field outside of BS-
 Shoes! :)

Glee starts up again soon-only a few more weeks!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

For anyone who has noticed, and for those of you who haven't-I am not able to post pictures right now! My laptop is ill and I am working to get my documents back. :( Hope to be back soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

2 pictures today:

Picture 1-We had out valentine's to each other at work. In effort to work on my sewing ( a newly acquired hobby), I made door hangers for eahc co-worker. Our "tag" is "A home for every heart" and our logo is similar to what the decoration looks like.

The second picture is of my dear Wesson-the side most people don't see when they visit. :)


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today was Superbowl....we went to a party, but, I don't think I watched any of the game. I enjoyed conversation with friends though! :) I know I'm getting old....we were home shortly after 9 but I'm ready for bed. Raymond is relaxing too...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Catching up!

A few days worth of pictures.....

This is the one of the few things I enjoy about the winter-a warm fire in the fireplace!

I took a few pictures of Raymond...some of them were pretty funny. I decided to post this one because I like his silly smile.

I'm in the process of making valentine's for my coworkers. We deliver them to each other every year. I'll post when I get one finished! (They look nothing like this picture!)

"Uncle Keith" bought these bones when he came to visit at Christmas, in 2008! Can you believe they are still around? They are so thick that the dogs just can't chew them up.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

For my Duncle

If there HAPPPENS to be SOMEBODY who lives with my Duncle and reads my blog...could you please show him the picture today? This will explain why he is not getting his birthday card on time-because he doesn't live in Grain Valley, MO. Sorry Dave-your birthday card was in MY mailbox today as a return to sender.

(If the picture looks funny it is because I deleted out the information that would give mine and my family's address away!)


Everyone has favorite things-mine include walking down the laundry aisle at the grocery store and the smell of fresh, warm, laundry.

Just for Fun....