Sunday, January 31, 2010

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

At BSCC we are in the middle of a series entitled, "This Year I Resolve." Part 5 is to Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.

Jesus told us that the most important commandment is to “Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.” The second commandment, equally as powerful, is to "Love your neighbor as yourself." For me, the service today was really moving.

In general, I like to think that loving people is a strength of mine. I am a social worker and naturally I am inspired to find the best in people even when they are in their lowest place. In my job this may mean they are partaking in destructive behaviors which have the potential to cause trauma to themselves and/or their children. Some of those people are abusing their children, abusing substances, harming their significant others, and participating in criminal activity. Some of our clients "lowest point" just means they are down and out, can't find steady employment, or have a disability or mental health concerns. Working with clients, I can accept people for who they are and I can dream of a future where they are living up to the potential I know they have. I'll admit that some of those things are harder to look past than others. I also know that the difference between them and me is often a manner of seconds and the decisions that I make during those seconds. Most of those decisions a direct result of an upbringing I was blessed to have been given, an upbringing that many Americans don't ever have.

So why, if I can find the good in the majority of people I serve at work everyday, can't I find love for every person I encounter, for all my neighbors? Service today taught us that everyone is our neighbor-the person who lives next door, our family & friends, our co-workers, the homeless person begging for money, and the inmate on death row. EVERYBODY is our neighbor and all of our neighbors were made in the image of God.

The shocking realization? 1 John 4:20-21; If anyone boasts, "I Love God," and goes right on hating his brother or sister, thinking nothing of it, he is a liar. If he won't love the person he can see, how can he love the God he can't see? The command we have from Christ is blunt: Loving God includes loving people. You've got to love both." (The Message).

Does this mean I don't really love God? Scary huh? I'm shortchanging Him. I'm picking and choosing who I love and when I love them. If I can find the good in my professional encounters with my neighbors then I should be more than able to find the good in my personal encounters with my neighbors. I have fallen short. The good news is Jesus has saved me and my church has challenged me.

Those who are the hardest to love often reflect a character flaw of yourself or something you are afraid of becoming. It is impossible to love everyone without taking a deep look into your own heart and learning to love yourself. On the obvious, enemies are incredibly difficult to love-we should pray for them feverishly. God loves the good and the bad and is fair to everyone. We need to act like Him and spread genuine forgiveness. For everyone is made in God’s image and everyone is worthy of God’s grace and forgiveness; everyone is worthy of God’s love.

One of the most powerful parts of worship today was singing "Hosanna" by Hillsong United. A few of the powerful lyrics are below, but, you can catch the whole song here: Hosanna-.

Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart from what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdoms cause
As I go from nothing to

I want my heart to break at the things that breaks God's heart-even if I am the one with the actions that are heartbreaking. I WANT to know these things so I can heal my heart and become clean.


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Does anybody know what time it is?!

Even worse that getting behind in posting, I forgot to take my picture yesterday! =) I made plans to head over to a friend's to play Rockband last night-if you don't know what this is or haven't played you are missing out. Last night was my first time. It was so much fun and I tried every role out (guitar, bass, drums, and singing (not alone though!). In all the excitement, I left home without my camera. I had been saving my picture for that group game. By the time I got home it was after 11:30PM and I fell asleep. I took a picture first thing this morning to make up for it.

Catch up-Thursday's Picture

Thursday night's make me get behind in blogging! I realize it is Friday, but, I'm just now posting for the last two days due to work. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today is the State of the Union and, being an optimist, I still have hope that the best is yet to come. Here is my picture for the day "Watching the State of the Union address."

Today is my aunt's 50th Birthday, officially! You may recall we held a party for her last week. As usual, I had a busy, busy day and then small group tonight. I didn't get her called until about 45 minutes ago and she goes to bed early. I think I missed getting to talk to her on her Birthday. I do know though, she often checks this first thing in the morning, so:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010


Today's picture is a celebration! Tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary of Raymond's seziure. We are thrilled to be where we are today. He is taking this cookie cake to work with him tonight to celebrate with his co-workers. At one point we weren't sure he was going to be able to continue his career but one year later, he is still there! As you can see, it is made from scratch-excuse the messy decorating! :)

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Today I traveled home from Iowa. On the way I had to stop and take my picture for the day. This picture is so "Iowa" and is of the farm equipment out in the field. Isn't it beautiful?! (I NEVER thought I would say that!) Much of my family (father, grandpa, uncles, etc.) have retired from John Deere. John Deere Green has always been in my life! =)

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk

Saturday, January 23, 2010


This picture is from my aunt's birthday party! Happy 50th Denise! I got caught up talking and didn't take many pictures-this is the confetti on the table.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Today was a long but fantastic day! I had to wake up early for a pre-bid conference in Jefferson City. After it was finished, I headed back to Iowa! It has been roughly 7 months since I have been to my hometown area. The first thing I did was eat some pizza from Happy Joes-yumm! I was also fortunate to make a stop in Kirksville on the way to see Zach, Tonya, and Austin. I enjoyed a tour of their new house and the chance to catch up (however briefly) with some of my closest friends. It is late now, everyone is alseep in the house but me. I should follow their lead-instead I'm posting my picture and picking up a book to do some reading. What happened to me? Before Christmas vacation I would be asleep by 9:30 or so, even on the weekends. I almost can't wait to get back into that pattern....until then, may today's picture bring you sweet dreams.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


In following suit of fellow I Heart Faces blogger (Thoughts From the Treadmill), I'm going to have a "Thankful Thursday."

This Thursday I am thankful for my staff at work. Tomorrow I have an early morning for work with a 2 hour drive (one way). Following that, I'm headed to Iowa. I haven't been to Iowa for months! Anyway, I know they are capable of anything and everything and they were gracious enough to let me leave group early tonight so I could come home and pack. Thanks Team! I'm thankful for you and all the hard work you do for the families in Jackson County!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


20 Days in and I haven't missed a beat! =) This is the longest NY resolution I have kept. The picture I took today is of a new kitchen "appliance". Sgt. Lalli and his wife, Debbie, were getting rid of this machine which makes homemade peanut butter. For those of you who know me well, you know that peanut butter is not my favorite thing. Raymond likes it though! It takes a large amount of peanuts to get this small container, but, I've been told it is yummy. We have laughed a lot while making it.

I also wanted to add something from our small group session through my church today. Have I mentioned how much I cherish the friendships Raymond and I have made in this group? We started a new study last week-The Parables of Jesus. Tonight we looked into Luke 7:36-50. This is the parable about the moneylender who forgave two debts-one large, one small. Which one loved him more?

The study asked us to examine our lives tonight, in the context of these versus. Simon has invited Jesus over to his house for dinner but is disrespectful. In the scripture, Simon publicly shames Jesus by not performing ritual greetings (kissing, washing feet, and anointing with oil).

A woman whose sins have been forgiven sees this and comes to Jesus. It was considered sinful to be so engaging with a man other than your husband. She begins to wash Jesus' feet with her tears, hair, and perfume. The women did not care that she was breaking social norms and unlike Simon was humble enough to admit she needed the grace of God. She was so thankful for her sins being forgiven-her love proof of this.

Simon waits for Jesus to react as it was expected that Jesus would expel the woman. Simon was hoping for failure. Instead Jesus poses the above parable, showing that Simon had little to be forgiven for so his appreciation was little in comparision to the woman living a life of shame.

When you meet someone, the book poses, will you be the Simon or the woman? Do you feel that your life merits applause for the good things you do, so much that you forget your need for grace? Or, are you so humble that you feel the urgency to share thanks with your Savior, and extend forgiveness to other sinners like you?

Hmm...I bet we all have work to do.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Monday, January 18, 2010


Today's picture is from a local park-we had some extra time before an appointment today so we took a drive. This little tree is holding on to it's leaves, even though we have had high winds, snow, and below zero temps. Spring will be here soon-stay strong! :)

1/22/10-This is my favorite shot of the week!

Give me your best shot at Better in Bulk

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Today's picture is my reading list....My Bible-in accordance with our reading list at church, my book from our small group study on the parables of Jesus, and fiction-The Lovely Bones. The Lovely Bones is the new movie out this past Friday. I'm excited to see it but, as readers know, the movie rarely compares to the book!

"We are Family"-I Heart Faces Contest

This week's theme at I Heart Faces is "We are Family." At first I thought I wouldn't have anything to enter for this contest because I haven't taken many pictures that would fit in this category. (PS-I can't wait to have kids so I can take all the cute photos that you all do!) :)  Then it hit me-When Raymond and I moved to Kansas City we had very few family members around! Thank goodness for his Uncle Larry, Aunt Mary, and cousins Elizabeth, Andy, Dan, Carolyn, and the kids. Almost 1 year ago today (1-26-09), Raymond had a seizure while working. He is a police officer.  It was then that we realized we do have family closer than we thought-just not the traditional form. Each one of these men who were working that morning (plus one not pictured) showed up at the hospital and sat with us while we went through the most terrifying day of our lives last year. They made sure to call me at home the moment something went wrong, made sure I got to the hospital safely, and made me laugh when all I wanted to do was fall apart. Throughout the year they and their wives have become some of our closest friends. As I reflect back on the last year, I am so thankful we had them in addition to all of our long-distance support (I love you all too!). The I Heart Faces contest doesn't limit us to a traditional family photo-so, although it isn't artistic or dramatic, here is my entry for the week. This is Raymond's squad-our family outside of our family.

Last night was game night-It was hard to get a good picture because we were all laughing so much! I guess I need to learn how to brush up on photographing moving people!

Friday, January 15, 2010


Before it gets too far into the new year, I thought I may want to document which year I'm taking all of these pictures in! Happy 2010!

Pictures from 1/13 & 1/14!

Life is picking up and I'm behind on posting :) It happens. It is getting harder and harder to take pictures every day. I feel like I'm running out of things. I guess it will come in waves. Tomorrow I am hosting game night with friends from work-hopefully some good pictures will come from there!

First picture is of my beautiful baby Wesson! This is such a sad face. I'm sure he must have had this face when we took him in as a stray-how could you not feel sorry for him.

Second is from yesterday. My sister is doing this challange too, and, our photos are similar See her picture HERE!.  In a vote, I'd pick hers as the better of the two!
This is from outside my door at work. It is our nasty and yucky gravel driveway where the ice has started to melt The shine on it was beautiful though and it has a nice texture-you are lucky I framed out the dumpster!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Here it is-today's picture!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to Monday's Picture!

It's Monday-meaning back to work and back to a normal routine. The weather has messed up everyone's schedule and today feels like the first day back after a long, odd, vacation.

Tonight's picture is of a candle display I have at home. I ran an action from CoffeeShop (I love this place!) on it and didn't spend a whole lot of time making changes. I like that it is dark with a little bit of light-it reminds us that there is always hope, even in the darkest places.

P.S. For those of you who are new at this, like me, I have found a EASY tutorial on getting a signature on your blog. :)